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From inspiration to final creation.
Terganic offers unique integrated biosystems solutions and landscape designs.

We design regenerative and resilient landscapes and settlements by specializing in food production, water harvesting, land restoration, energy flow management, and waste closed loop management projects, from broad acre farms, to home gardens.


Our intention is to have a social impact by making our services accessible to a diverse variety of communities. Find out how permaculture principles can transform and regenerate your home, farm, or even work place. See below our custom made consultancy packages we offer.

A holistic and integrated approach to house and landscape garden design.

A permaculture inspired design can save you time, money and resources, while producing a bounty of organic food. The design process is as much about you and your household, as it is the land. We work with your skills, time, taste and budget. We then consider the soil type, weather exposure, slopes, plants, water and buildings to produce elegantly functional designs, which won’t just feed you with minimal effort, they’ll save you money and improve the quality of your home by cooling your house in summer and letting light through in winter.

Masterplan Designs

This comes after our Initial Walk-Through Consultancy, and consists of 2 more site visits.​ We do a second site visit and go through our personally tailored design process to discuss your time, energy and financial budgets.  We clarify what you would like out of the site and what elements you would like included in the design.


We walk around your property for Data collection, by observing and assessing the characteristics of the site (e.g., sun, wind, slope, soil, existing vegetation) and develop a concept design and rough schematic based on our site analysis and the design brief. 


During a third visit, we then walk the site with you, sharing our preliminary concepts and inviting your feedback. We then make a basic digital design that is to scale and that lays out the basic concept design and send a brief five page follow-up report by email summarizing our site analysis, design recommendations, and possible next steps. Costs depends on project size, and a quote will be issued after our Initial Walk-Through Consultancy.

Une estimation est discutée lors d'une de nos consultations de démarrage.

Conseil en conception de site entier et livre de rapport

Cela vient également après notre consultation initiale en fonction de votre budget disponible. Il s'agit d'un processus intensif de conception de permaculture de site entier de votre terrain, de votre jardin privé ou de votre site de projet. 


Vous recevrez également une carte de base numérique et votre livre de rapport écrit détaillé personnalisé.

Ce processus comprend des visites de site d'au moins 3 jours ou plus selon la taille du projet, et le rapport final est publié dans le mois suivant la dernière visite de site. Les coûts dépendent de la taille du projet et un devis sera émis après notre consultation initiale.

Une estimation est discutée lors d'une de nos consultations de démarrage.

Cette prestation comprend :

  • Entrevue cliente,

  • Collecte initiale des données du site,

  • Un vaste processus d'enquête et d'observation,

  • Analyse et conception mainframe,

  • Analyse de zone, 

  • Conception des flux de travail et de la logistique,

  • Composants et connexions dans le système,

  • Terrassement et aménagement hydraulique, 

  • Planification des phases,

  • Calculs des coûts de mise en Å“uvre,

  • Analyse du mode de vie et de votre patrimoine en capital,

  • Analyse de quartier et de communauté, 

  • Intégration des commentaires.

Not sure how a Permaculture landscaping investment, and training can significantly improve your lifestyle? Come and join us at our farm Guided Tour, and discover about this amazing life changing adventure.

If you don't know what Permaculture really is about, and you want to know more before investing in our Courses or Consultancy Services, then join one of our Guided Tours at La Meule Ecovillage. A 2hrs tour, from 10am to 12:00pm prior reservation. A great initial step towards your understanding of a resilient environment where Permaculture concepts, design methods, and philosophy has been adopted and implemented. The perfect day out for you, your families, or your organization, in the country side near the Village of Bambous Virieux, to see permaculture systems in action. With food forests, vegetable gardens, and maincrop gardens all connected into a diverse integrated ecosystem, in constant evolution.


You will also discover amazing and welcoming people who adopted a totally new "off-the-grid" lifestyle in total connection with the diverse natural elements, using combinations of sustainable and regenerative systems like solar photovoltaic energy as part of their energy management strategies, fully dependent on roof water harvesting systems, land water hydrology and nutrient flow strategies, waste management and composting systems, and many more, towards self-sufficiency as much as possible over time.


After your tour you can enjoy Drinks or have lunch at our table d'hotes bar. Lunch is also available at "La Petite Ferme" Table d'Hötes, where you can have a farm-to-table experience with Olivier & Anais as they will be most happy to introduce you their own experience and philosophies of a resilient lifestyle in connection with their own farm gardens.


La Meule Ecovillage is a 27 acres Permaculture Community project, consisting of 7 different independent family micro farms and permaculture projects in constant development, varying from 1 to 5 acres of land each, and who have mutual collaborations between them. Sharing the same goals, philosophy, and vision, while showcasing strategies and solutions towards a better, more environmentally secured and resilient world and future for our society, and future generations. "La Petite Ferme" is one of La Meule Ecovillage Permaculture Farms, where one can learn about Permaculture through a very interesting guided tour of their farm.


Guided Tour Fees is Rs 750 p.p.

Lunch at La Petite Ferme is at Rs 750 p.p.
Reservation for lunch is required by contacting Olivier on: 5963 3495.

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